Jay Perry
Jay Perry is currently undertaking a PhD in cancer cell biology within the Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute at the University of Wollongong under the supervision of Professor Marie Ranson and Dr Gopal Iyer.
His project represents one facet of a larger project developed by fellow CONCERT member and surgeon Dr Bruce Ashford, aiming to understand metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). Specifically, Mr Perry’s project involves the establishment of patient-derived primary cell models of cSCC (excised by Dr Ashford at local hospitals) and their subsequent characterisation. His cultures are characterised both genotypically using Whole Genome Sequencing, as well as phenotypically through RNA-Seq, qPCR and immunofluorescent technologies.
With a keen interest and background in bioinformatics, Mr Perry hopes to use emerging technologies to identify what is unique within the expression profiles of metastatic vs non-metastatic cSCC. This may lead to the identification of biomarkers, indicative of metastatic risk for patients in the clinic. This translational project may permit a more reliable stratification of patients into risk categories than currently capable through conventional histopathological means.
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